Leader: Dārta Kļaviņa Start date: 01.03.2021 End date: 31.12.2025 JCS Latvia's State Forests research programme (agreement No. 5-5.9.1_007f_101_21_69) Project staff Dārta Kļaviņa Publications Kļaviņa D., Krastiņa K., Krivmane B., Ciseļonoka L., Štāls T., Matisons R., Ramanenka M., Striķe Z., Daugaviete M. 2025. Forest Pathology, 55(2), e70011 The First Report of Apiognomonia errabunda in Latvia: A Case Study in European Beech DOI: 10.1111/efp.70011 Matisone I., Klavina D., Matisons R., Krastina K., Aunina A., Krivmane B., Ramanenka M., Davydenko K. 2025. Forest Ecology and Management, 583, 122593 A new hope: Condition of young stands suggests natural recovery of European ash in Northern Europe DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2025.122593 Kļaviņa D., Matisons R., Auniņa A., Striķe Z., Ciseļonoka L., Krastiņa K., Zeps M., Jansons A., Bitenieks K., Ruņģis D.E., Gaitnieks T. 2024. Diversity, 16(1), 14 Frost Cracks Show a Slight Effect on Fungal Richness in Stem Wood of Hybrid Aspen Trees in Latvia DOI: 10.3390/d16010014 Kļaviņa D., Striķe Z., Ciseļonoka L., Lekavičs J., Burņeviča N., Pāruma K., Saulīte-Berene D., Rudāns E., Gaitnieks T. 2023. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2023 Phytosanitary assessment of black and grey alder stands in Latvia DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2023.2290237 Matisone I., Kaupe D., Matisons R., Kļaviņa D., Jansons Ā. 2023. Baltic Forestry, 29(2), 712 Understory changes in mixed elm stands in response to canopy dieback in Latvia DOI: 10.46490/BF712 Adamson K., Laas M., Blumenstein K., ... Klavina D. et al. 2021. Journal of Fungi, 7(8), 634 Highly Clonal Structure and Abundance of One Haplotype Characterise the Diplodia sapinea Populations in Europe and Western Asia DOI: 10.3390/jof7080634