Leader: Āris Jansons
Start date: 19.04.2024
End date: 05.12.2024

Study supported by the Forest Development Fund (agreement No. 24-00-SOINZ03-000032)

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It is essential for forest policy makers to obtain scientifically based information on the dynamics of old forest stands and the development of old forests, both nationally and in the EU and in the context of policy development. When making decisions about land use goals, it is essential to rely on verified scientific information. As land areas without economic activity increase, the area of ​​old forests also increases, and it is important to identify these trends in the long term.

The aim of the Study is to prepare and transfer information about ancient forests and old forest stands in the context of the requirements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy (2030) to Latvian decision makers and interested parties.

Tasks of the Study:

  1. Preparation and transfer of information to Latvian decision makers and interested parties.
  2. Providing information to the European Commission, based on international cooperation with representatives of the forest industry and research institutes.
  3. Plotting and data acquisition.
  4. Analysis of remote sensing data.