LSFRI "Silava" scientists – Vilnis Šķipars, Toms Artūrs Štāls, Līga Pentjuša and Keitlīna Krastiņa took part in the 13th International Young Scientists Conference The Young Scientists for Advance of Agriculture (AGRISCI2024) on November 26, in Vilnius (Lithuania).
The conference was held in a plenary session and in several sections, one of them – forest science section. At the opening plenary session LSFRI "Silava" researcher Vilnis Šķipars presented the report "Root rot fungus gene expression at early infection stages in Scots pine".
At the Forest Science Session young scientists of LSFRI "Silava" young scientists presented their reports:
- Toms Artūrs Štāls: Enhancing riparian zones through forest management and infrastructure;
- Līga Pentjuša: The assessment of vegetation dependent ecosystem (dis)services along forest road verges;
- Keitlīna Krastiņa: Cord-forming basidiomycetes: their antagonism to Heterobasidion spp. and Armillaria spp. in peat soil.
At the end of the conference, following the jury's evaluation, Keitlīna Krastiņa was awarded the prize for the best presentation in the forest science session!
Opening plenary session of the conference.
Vilnis Škipars presents the report
Keitlīna Krastiņa (second from the left) with a diploma for the best presentation in the forest sciences section