European Union LIFE Programme and the Administration of Latvian Environmental Protection Fund Grant Agreement No. LIFE18 IPE/LV/000014
Contact persons of LSFRI "Silava": Zane Lībiete and Dagnija Lazdiņa.
The overall aim of LIFE GoodWater IP is to improve the status of water bodies at risk in Latvia by means of the full implementation of the measures laid down in the Daugava, Gauja, Lielupe and Venta River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs).
- reduce the pollution of water bodies at risk caused by urban wastewater and to diminish the loads of nutrients brought in by wastewater discharges and accumulated in water bodies at risk;
- reduce the runoff of nutrients and other pollutants from agricultural and forestry lands, especially in the winter period, in order to reduce eutrophication and diffuse pollution of water bodies at risk, with a special focus on reduction of phosphorus inputs;
- reduce or mitigate the effects of hydrological and morphological alterations of water bodies at risk, including those caused by renovation and reconstruction of land drainage systems;
- improve river basin management planning and its implementation mechanisms by strategically planned capacity building actions, and addressing the gaps in monitoring system of water bodies at risk to ensure a more efficient implementation of RBMPs in further planning cycles;
- increase the awareness of various stakeholders and to promote their involvement in the implementation of the RBMPs;
- provide support to respective authorities for improvements of respective legislative and regulatory documents and policies.
Surface waters are important part of the ecosystem, and their quality may have impact not only on the respective catchment but also on the quality of other natural resources related to waters, as well as water quality on a wider scale. The surface water quality in Latvia is mostly influenced by the leaching of nutrients and various alterations. Nutrient leaching occurs with the wastewater input and runoff from agriculture and forestry areas, and it causes eutrophication of waterbodies. Different alterations (dams, harbours, bank reinforcements etc.) change the natural water regime, thus influencing natural habitats. River basin management in Latvia needs to be improved, to reach the standards stated in the EU Water Framework Directive.
There are currently 164 waterbodies at risk in Latvia (89 rivers and 75 lakes), and the most severe problems are caused by pollution with plant nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds causing eutrophication), as well as alteration of banks and streambed of watercourses. The aim of the project in the long-term is to improve the water quality in approximately 30% of the waterbodies, by developing, adapting and implementing different innovative management and governance measures.
The lead partner of LIFE GoodWater IP is Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, implementing the project in collaboration with state institutions – the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia, scientific research intitutions – Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", University of Latvia, Institute of Food Safety Animal Health and Environment "BIOR", Centre of Processes’ Analyses and Research Ltd., local and regional institutions – Engure municipality and Jelgavas novada KU Ltd., state property management organizations – State Limited Liability Company "Real estates of Ministry of Agriculture" and JSC "Latvia’s State Forests", as well as NGOs – Latvia water and waste water works association, NGO Farmer’s Parliament, World Wide Fund Latvia, association "Baltic Coasts", Latvian Fund for Nature, Baltic Environmental Forum and Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre.
LSFRI "Silava" is specifically involved in two activity directions:
- Preventing the leaching of nutrients to waterbodies from forestland. Choice of green infrastructure elements (including environmentally friendly drainage systems), demonstration of good practice and evaluation of the impact on chemical and ecological water status. The activities will be implemented in the catchment of Aģe River – a waterbody at risk. By providing advice, planning support and evaluation, LSFRI "Silava" will support project partner JSC "Latvia’s State Forests" who is responsible for practical implementation of the measures.
- Sewage sludge management and use in forestry (including tree plantations).
Tora, tributary of Aģe River, where ecological functionality of the forest buffer zone will be improved during the project
The total budget of the project is 14,463,050 EUR, with the support from LIFE programme 8,677,830 EUR, from the Administration of Latvian Environmental Protection Fund 4,372,616 EUR and partner contribution 1,517,604 EUR. In addition to the IP budget itself, during the eight years of the project it is foreseen to use additional funding of 101,890,569 EUR from EAFRD, CF, ERDF, Norwegian Financial mechanism and other public and private funds.
LIFE GoodWater IP is one of 10 large-scale EU LIFE programme environment and climate projects, implemented since 2019 in nine member states (Cyprus, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and Spain, with total investment of 101.2 million EUR to make the European Union greener and to decrease its impact on climate change.
- 26.10.2020. Press release Budget of reactive nitrogen in forests and wetlands