Leader: Andis Lazdiņš
Start date: 01.02.2023
End date: 31.03.2025

LSFRI "Silava" is the partner in Projects of research program "Increasing forest capital value and forestry" under the agreement No. between Forest Sector Competence Centre of Latvia and Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA)

Logo ERAF 2014 2020 LV

Logo MNKC 2     Logo LVM     Silavas logo

The aim of the study is to develop a local-level planning solution for the evaluation of the maximum GHG emission reduction and CO2 sequestration potential in the land use, land use change and forestry sector, implementing various forest management scenarios and land use change.

Main activities of the study:

  • defining requirements for the characterization of land units according to international and local carbon unit trading system standards;
  • identification of spatial, growth conditions and climatic data essential for modeling forest growth;
  • analysis of publicly available data and creation of cartographic data layers characterizing land units;
  • acquisition of empirical data for synthesis of missing data sets and characterization of land units;
  • synthesis of missing data layers for characterization of land units, growth course and carbon cycle;
  • preparation of equations and calculation parameters characterizing climate change mitigation activities;
  • development of equations for the characterization of GHG emissions, maintaining the existing land use and management intensity;
  • development of the carbon cycle base scenario according to average forest management indicators;
    integration of climate change mitigation measures into growth equations and development of growth forecast scenarios;
  • development of life cycle analysis equations for forestry operations and climate change mitigation measures;
    development of a program prototype by linking spatial data, climate, growth course, life cycle analysis and GHG emissions reduction equations in a unified scenario analysis system.

Project staff
